Friday, October 17, 2008

Coverage on UW Daily Bulletin

Hey everyone

I sent an email off last week to the Daily Bulletin to get some coverage, and looks like we'll be including, probably on Monday!


Here's the email I sent:
Hi Chris,

I am a part of Professor Marcel O'Gorman's ENGL 408B "Discourse of Advertising" class.

Our class project is to help advertise the local Grand River Film Festival, which starts on October 22, through viral marketing. The festival is showcasing independent movies for a $5 rate for UW students. The screenings are at Laurier or UW's School of Architecture.

I have attached a poster made by my group in the class. If you could provide the link to my group's website for further information to the daily bulletin readers, that would be much appreciated. The website and movie on are 100% student created, to help advertise the Grand River Film Festival to the university community.

Thank you!

Stephanie Frisina

And here was the response...
Thanks very much for sending this! I am not sure that the Daily
Bulletin is exactly "viral", but it's an interesting project anyway,
and I will be glad to give it a mention.



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