Thursday, November 13, 2008

CULTURE Jamming - DOVE "Campaign for Real Beauty"

Company: Unileaver's "DOVE"
Slogan: "The Campaign for Real Beauty"

Synopsis: Dove's "Campaign for Real Beauty" promotes self empowerment for young girls (14 years old in this poster) by teaching them to have confidence, and conducting education workshops with a self-esteem mandate. The campaign's literature describes that for each Dove product purchased, proceeds are directed towards the Dove "self-esteem" fund.

Design Elements: The ad is very clean, with crisp images of young girls smiling, which speaks to the ad's observer, by bringing life and action to the flat page. Also, repetition is used to re-enforce the adolescent audience, with a small discrete Dove slogan in the bottom right corner. The campaign's mission is also on the ad, in a smaller less visible font at the bottom of the page.

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