Monday, November 10, 2008

Let's Start Kicking: Poster #1 progress

A quick walkthrough of my first poster design.

The concept is a play on the old "Reach out and touch someone" ads.

My first version of the poster used the text directly from the old ad above. I was trying to do a comparison between the old ad and the company I work for's product TouchDesigner. My thought was to juxtapose the phone as the point of the old ad vs. the software of the new. The years were added to make emphasize the differentiation. I hadn't decided on what text to use, so the content was mostly a cut-and-paste from our company website.

After this, I got some feedback from Prof. O'Gorman and I agreed with him that the phone confused the poster somewhat. I decided to stick with the basis of the slogan but veer off differently. I dropped the comparison and went to a focus on the target market for the product.

Next version dropped the text block and added some screen captures from the software.

After that, it was a matter of just arranging the elements on the poster in the best possible way.

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